Board of Trustees
Peninsula Union School District Board of Trustees:
Troy Smith Term ends: 2026
John Nicolini Term ends: 2026
Iria Silveira Bagley Term ends: 2028
The Board shall hold one regular meeting each month, except July. Regular meetings will generally be held on the second Tuesday of each month. There are 2 meetings (a regular meeting followed by a special meeting) in June to accommodate budget adoption. Regular meetings shall begin at 4:30 p.m. Meeting location for the 2024/2025 school year will be determined in the conference room in the office. Â
Link to the Board Policy Manual of Peninsula Union School District

Link to the Public Hearing and Proposed Developer Fee Study of Peninsula Union School District

December 14, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda
November 9, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda
October 19, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda
September 14, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda

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